MCMC 2025

Bringing visionaries and renowned practices from around the world to Edition 3.0 of the Micro-Credentials Masterclass.

19 – 20 MARCH 2025  I  Algebra University, Zagreb, Croatia

MCMC 2025

Bringing visionaries and renowned practices from around the world to Edition 3.0 of the Micro-Credentials Masterclass.

March 2025

Zagreb, Croatia


Participants of the Micro-Credentials Masterclass are invited to a welcome networking dinner on Tuesday 18th March. This dinner and lunches on the 19th and 20th March are covered under the registration fee. The gala dinner on Wednesday 19th March is optional, participants may include this to the ticket price. 

The MCMC Track


18 March

Opening & keynotes


19 March


20 March

Thematic Sessions

Recognition and Mobility

Examining strategies for micro-learning exchanges across post-secondary education and training.


Looking at the impact of new technologies, in particular AI on micro-credential design and generation.

Social inclusion

Using micro-credentials to create accessible and inclusive personalised learning pathways.

Quality Assurance

Incentivising open trust frameworks which empower micro-credential users.


Discussing how to upscale institutional credentialing models.

Industry partnerships

Integrating lifelong learning between the labour market and formal educational contexts.

Programme Committee

Anastasia Pouliou

Expert in qualifications, credentials and Future of VET, Cedefop

Ildiko Mazar

European Digital Credentials for Learning implementation support at NTT DATA Spain

Paul den Hertog 

Project manager, strategic advisor and director at SURF, Netherlands; Micro-Credentials Squad Leader  European Digital Education Hub

Channa van der Brug

Programme Manager International Affairs at Stifterverband

Simone Ravaioli

Director Global Ecosystem and Innovation Parchment, W3C Verifiable credentials

Aleksandra Zhivkovikj 

Policy and project officer at European Quality Assurance Register – EQAR

Levente Varga

Executive Committee Member, European Students’ Union

Bram van de Kruk

Project Lead on Micro-Credentials, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl

Director of Micro-Credential Strategy, Dublin City University

Hanne Shapiro

Business Owner, Futures; Board Member, Diplomasafe

Jake Hirsch-Allen

Founder Lighthouse Labs; Board of Directors, Ontario Tech Talent

Ana Tecilazić 

Vice Rector for Quality, Algebra University

Anthony F. Camilleri

Senior Partner, Knowledge Innovation Centre

Martina Darmanin

Research and Development Associate, Knowledge Innovation Centre